Anchor people. Throughout my life, when a storm has tossed me into a heap, and I don’t know which way is up, I think about my anchor people. You know, those people whose lives refute the lies that the enemy uses our circumstances to convince us to believe. Like: You’re not loved. You’re not good enough. You can’t ever trust again…they will fail you every time. There’s no such thing as a “happy marriage”. Fill in your blank here with whatever the enemy has railed at you. I’m sure you know the tape. But that’s when I think of my …
“Echos” and a big announcement!
In an effort to give my brother and I a wholesome country upbringing, when I was six years old, my family moved from a lovely four bedroom home on a few acres in the Poconos that was built by my grandfather to our 77 acres of hunting land in Potter County, Pennsylvania. The mile-long “driveway”, which our Vermont relatives affectionately named the “goat path”, wound it’s way to the cabin at the top of the mountain (pictured above). It was one room (12′ * 24′) with two sets of bunk beds built into the walls. Warmed by a wood …
The Old Made “New” and a Song for You! -(Featuring “Old Piano” Original music by Shelleen Weaver.)
When I was a little girl, my grandparents lived in what used to be an old boarding house in the rolling green mountains of Braintree, Vermont. In its prime it was a stagecoach stop, back when that was the modern means of travel, complete with an attached horse barn and a five-holer backhouse. What is that, you ask? In simpler terms, the bathroom. From the far end of the spacious kitchen you could access the tack room that lead to the horse barn, or you could hang a right and walk down the hallway. The last door to the left …
I Want to Break Things Too! A Look at Easter through the life of “The Woman of Ill Repute”.
Featuring “The Last Say” -Original music by Shelleen Weaver Mary Magdalene is, hands down, my favorite female character in all of Scripture. When I get to Heaven, I’m going to spend the first thousand years captivated in the eyes of my Jesus. Then of course there will be the reunion of all my friends and loved ones who have gone on before. But then…then, I’m going to stalk Mary Magdalene. That’s right. She doesn’t know it yet, but we are going to be BFF’s. Here’s why. She adored Him. [Jesus] Most of us have been taught that she was …
I Want to Break Things Too! A Look at Easter through the life of “The Woman of Ill Repute”.Read More
Haste to bring Him Laud! – (featuring “For Life” – original music by Shelleen)
My best friend and her husband are heroes – for real.
Haste to bring Him Laud! – (featuring “For Life” – original music by Shelleen)Read More
“Overwhelm Me” – Featuring Original Music by Shelleen
Silence doesn’t come naturally to me. I love to talk, I love to laugh, and I love to sing. And if I’m in a confined space where it might be annoying to do so, I usually can’t help but hum. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy the quiet. I prefer silence over white or background noise. I have relented to my husband’s need to sleep with a fan on, but oh, how I miss falling asleep to a peeper and cricket chorus drifting through the open window on the breath of the cool night air. What I’m saying is …
“Overwhelm Me” – Featuring Original Music by ShelleenRead More
More! More! (Featuring “Baby Steps” – Original Music by Shelleen Weaver)
If you have been following my blog, you likely realize that I’m on an odyssey of sorts. The farther I delve into this journey, the more epic I am realizing it is. With every passing year, I am gaining a bit more perspective on the reality that this span of time allotted to each of us in different, unknown quantities is a mere breath of eternity. As this realization grows, the more hyper-focused I am becoming at discovering all that God has deposited in me, His reasons for doing so, and the avenues by which He plans to bring those …
More! More! (Featuring “Baby Steps” – Original Music by Shelleen Weaver)Read More
Shine On Harvest Moon (Featuring “Indeed” – Original Music by Shelleen)
My husband Tom and I could be a case study on how opposites attract. Years ago, I dubbed him with the title: “The Man of No Reaction”. (I might even have written a song about him by that name…{snicker!}) He is a deep thinker and processes internally. I, on the other hand, feel deeply and process verbally. One is not right, and the other wrong; just opposite. Some of you have asked me why I refer to myself as a Girdle Burr and Beauty Hunter in the poem on the home page of my website. Well here’s what I mean by …
Shine On Harvest Moon (Featuring “Indeed” – Original Music by Shelleen)Read More
Holy Fruitopia! -Featuring “Time” -original music by Shelleen
Last month I spent a day with my friend Erica. She lives right on the Susquehanna River, and our goal that day was to kayak across to an island where there is a natural wading pool area to swim in. However, the river is particularly high this year, and since we had my little guy along, we decided to just paddle around near the bank for his sake, then spend the day hiking. Her house is banked right in the side of a mountain that backs up to 300 acres of land owned by the Boy Scouts. When Erica and …
Holy Fruitopia! -Featuring “Time” -original music by ShelleenRead More
The “Blessed” Is Yet To Come! Featuring “Come Away” & “Confide in Me” – Original Music by Shelleen
I was a child myself when I had my first child, which perhaps is a story for another day. There are pros and cons to everything, but suffice it to say that entering motherhood at the tender age of 18, having another at 24, then being a single-mom for a few years nbefore adding my caboose at 34 has never allowed me much in the way of down time. I don’t regret for a moment all the time invested in my children. In fact, I often long to hit rewind and rock my babies to sleep once more. But with …